See below for a list of commonly asked questions. If you don’t see your questions answered here, send us an email.
We’re a community of stakeholders in the utility sector around the design, construction, and maintenance of modern digital substations. We’re a private group but completely free to join.
To keep our group free of spam and exclusive to a legitimate membership, we manually approve all members. We do out best to approve members within 1-2 days but if you think you were missed send us an email.
To be eligible for approval you must also have first verified your email address.
Public Groups
Every member is automatically added to the Public Group. Keep in mind that what you post here is also visible to the general public, without a login. It’s a place for general User Task Force chit-chat, and a way to show non-members what’s going on here.
Private Groups
We also have a few private groups that you must request to join. Make the request and an admin will either accept or deny it. Everything posted in the private groups is not viewable by any other group. We do this for privacy, and we hope you’ll adhere to it.
Your Profile Page
Every member has their own profile page. You can post updates to your profile page just like any social networking website. This includes images, twitter links, or relevant articles.
Your Profile is Public
The only thing to keep in mind is that whatever you post to your profile is public. If you want to keep your update private you should post it in a private group.
From your Profile page you can change the imagery of your user profile and avatar.
Your Profile Photo
Every member can set a profile photo which is visible as an avatar on every update they make. You can use your actual photo, an avatar, or company logo. The system will help crop these images for you but the profile photo should be at least 600×600 for best results.
Your Cover Image
This is the background image visible on your Profile page. You can use this image to fly your corporate colors, or even promote your business.
Share a DocumentÂ
With an approved account you can share a document with the group. These are limited to 8mb for now. You can make a document Public by posting to the Public group, or private by adding to one of the Private groups. To get started see the Docs page.